
Showing posts from February, 2022

Create an Eco-friendly zone with LED Grow plants

  You must have heard environmental activists talk about water pollution, air pollution, global warming, but nobody talks about the elephant in the room, the soil. The United Nations predicted how the soil is getting flooded with chemical fertilizers to increase the amount of food on the planet, it is taking a toll on the soil, and we may have only 100 to 130 harvests left. It is alarming because they are calling it soil extinction. Have you heard about dinosaurs going extinct? You undoubtedly did not have heard about soil going extinct. With the extinction of soil, there will be a food crisis. Scientists are saying if the present trend continues, the food crisis is inevitable. So, what can we do about this? Well, we can start with small steps.  This is where companies like  Grow Sow greener   come in. Some passionate individuals tried to create a community of gardeners and create equipment that can allow individuals of almost any age and gender to take gardening as a hobby.   Need